Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The joys of pregnancy...well not so much!!

Yesterday I made a surprise visit to the midwife. I had been a little concerned because I hadn't felt the baby move except a couple times in the past couple days so I called my midwife and she told me to come in so they could check the heartbeat and listen for movements. If she felt there was a problem she was going to send me for an ultrasound, which I was a little worried about since it would cost me 900 dollars! Thankfully though when I got there and we listened for a while we discovered that I have a VERY active baby but that I am just not feeling all the movements. She also informed me that she wants to take a glucose screening in two weeks. Normally this is done at an OB's office where they make you fast and check your blood sugar and then make you drink some syrup thing and check it again in two hours. Well the midwife gives you a diabetic pack with the needles and all, and has you prick yourself in the morning before eating and then I have to eat 100g of sugar (and I have to eat it fast) and then check sugar in two hours. This scares me! I do not eat much in the mornings until my stomach settles and then all I have is a protein drink. So the thought of having to scarf tons of sugar and I mean tons (I would have to eat 6 krispy kreme donughts) and then not have anything for two hours!! This morning I couldn't even get through half a bowl of cereal before I ran for the toilet!! I'm thinking I'll be sick in bed that whole day!! Whatever happened to those pregnant women on t.v. that always looked so serene and happy? I thought it was supposed to be like that! Ive only got three months left I thought I was supposed to be feeling great at this time!!

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