Saturday, July 7, 2012

Comfort of a messy house! Ok never thought I would say this but I find comfort in my messy house! ok ok I know what you are saying but let me explain. This week I have been caring for my nieghbors animals; they are a very young couple (20 and 21) and newly married. So ofcourse their house is very clean and very few things in it. Being over there caring for the animals I have come to realize that it is very uncomfortable! It feels cold and empty. However, my house used to be like this before kids and I loved it! Now I want to say before going further that my house isn't dirty. dishes get done every day, I vaccum, sweep and mop and bathrooms get cleaned on regular basis. What has changed is toys everywhere! And as I contemplated my change of heart I think I have narrowed it down to the fact that my house with toys strewn all about it tells me that I have an active healthy child in the house! Something I am so grateful for. After losing Anastasia I remember feeling anger that my house was so clean sometimes; I knew there should be a child here to mess things up and always be trying to step over toys to keep from killing myself. Brent is not affected the same way, I know it bothers him more that our house is not what it used to be, but I find comfort in the toys and whatever else Brigid has managed to find and drag out being strewn about the house because it reminds me of my little blessing!

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