Once upon a time in a land far away their lived a king and queen who dreamed of having a daughter to call their own. One day the queen discovered that she was with child and the kingdom rejoiced. Months passed and the queen gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who they called Princess Ana. The princess had beautiful strawberry blonde hair with rosy cheeks and brilliant red lips.

The king and queen were pleased to have the baby girl they always dreamed of. But Princess Ana was so radiant that the world was unable to hold her beauty and she became very ill.

In an effort to save the princess, God decided to bring Ana to heaven and make her an angel for all eternity. The king and queen were sad to say goodbye to their sweet princess.

But God assured them that someday they would all be reunited again. So the king and queen said goodbye to their daughter and decided to hide a stone deep in the woods to honor Princess Ana’s time on earth. The king and queen spent their remaining years remembering their beautiful princess and the day finally came when they all were reunited in God’s kingdom. And they all lived happily ever after.

The End